WORKS (2019-20)

/2023/ The Alignment Problem /2022/ 00 knock knock /2021/ Fluff /2020/ Swan  /2019/ Bug Sluice Fight Club: Negotiating Rations

2-channel video projection, 18:30 minutes

Nov 25 1997

It was a chilly yet claustrophobic and sweaty Tuesday. Massive crowds flocked to redeem what was promised; a discounted emulation of a British import.

The video attempts to recover the lost meaning of the easily misunderstood incident in 1997, a day of action categorized as a fluff by the media of the West and accepted as such by many living in the city. The video disputes this canonical narrative and presents a nuanced analysis and reinterpretation of what was declared as a praxis of greed and inefficiency. History is recalled and refreshed.

The cake line moved slowly but steadily; the masses pressed on patiently to get what was due.


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